Monday, May 7, 2012

Delirium: Lauren Oliver

This again, is another book I picked up on a whim.  It was on a book and it was on a book list.  I had had some online friends suggest it about a million times.  I took the plunge and read it.
I didn't know anything about the book, so I did a little research and found out that it was about a society that viewed love as a disease.  That sparked my interest.  I kept wondering about what a society would be like without love and how did they get rid of love?

Of course I figured there would be love in the book, and that it would be forbidden...blah blah blah.  Romeo and Juilet.  It takes place in Portland, Maine and this society is surrounded by an electric fence.  Kinda like The Hunger Games, but I let it go.  

The people in the society called the world outside the fence, The Wilds.  There are said to be people who live out there, but most people just think they're just rumors.  There was a bombing years ago that was supposed to kill all the people in the Wilds.    Throughout the book Lena is counting down the days until her procedure.  The procedure is the cure for 'love'.  People usually have the procedure on their 18th birthday because it's the safest time.  The brain is finishing development but severe cases of the 'disease' they will do the procedure early, but it can have severe side effects.

While I wouldn't say this book is gonna make it into my list of favorite books, but it was pretty thought provoking.  And of course I do love dystopian novels.

Characters to know:
Lena: The book is in Lena's perspective.  Her mom committed suicide when she was young and she lives with her aunt now.  She's preparing to have THE procedure.
Hana:  Lena's best friend, the often go running together.  Hana starts getting into things that are illegal.
Alex:  He's a security guard, and also a college student.  Lena and Hana meet him while trespassing while he's on watch.  He's got a lot of secrets, and soon because Lena's crush.
Aunt Carol:  Lena lives with Aunt Carol and her family.  Aunt Carol has had the procedure and is excited that Lena is getting hers.
Rachel:  Lena's sister.  She had the procedure only after being infected by the disease known as love.
Grace:  While Grace's character isn't huge, I thought I'd mention her because I really like her.  She's about 6...I think.  And she hasn't talked since her mother died....except when she has nightmares and only Lena hears her.
Lena's Mother:  The had the procedure 3 different times, but it never worked.  Before the fourth procedure she committed suicide.  Lena was young when it happened and always wished that her mother had really just run away into The Wilds. 

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