Once again, I had no idea what this book would be about. I figured it would be about some immortals, but I didn't think vampires. Hah, I should have known. But needless to say, it's about vampires and humans and things called Rabids. For some reason I was reluctant to read it, I didn't know if I'd like it. I was like.....eh this is gonna be lame. But as I made it about 50 pages in, I started to really enjoy it.
It's about this post apocalyptic society. The city is New Covington is ruled by vampires and the people are pretty much just bloodbags.. The city is surrounded by huge walls to keep people in and the Rabids out. The place outside the walls are known as The Ruins. The Ruins are infested with Rabids. Rabids are animals AND people who have been infected with a virus. The human rabids are kinda described like the creatures from I Am Legend, at least that how I started to picture them after a while. The book is from Allies prospective, she's a poor orphan girl who has to scavenge to survive. In New Covington there are two types of people, Registereds and Unregistereds...The Registereds are fed only because they give blood twice a month. The Unregistereds are illegal, so to speak. If you're caught as an unregistered....you'll pretty much die. She's an unregistered and that's why she has to scavenge for food. Well her and her group are low of food so she does something dangerous. She goes out to The Ruins to search for food, thinking that an old house from before the virus would have food. She knows a way out, that is hidden and no one knows about. Well she find a cellar FULL of food and she starts to head back to the city when a shelf falls on her making her unconscious. She wakes up and it's dark outside, the worst time to be out, especially in The Ruins. But she makes it back without being attacked. On her way back she encounters a vampire and watches him kill four men. But the vampire doesn't attack her, he's fascinated by her and lets her go. She makes it back to the place where her and the group have been squatting. She tells them what she has found and they decide they need to go back out there and get food...and that's when everything goes awry. Bum...bum...bummmm!!!!!
Characters to know: (Slight spoilers)
Allison: Allison, like I said in the intro up there, is the main character, she is/was a scavenger. In an attempt to get food, she is attacked by Rabids and is given the choice to become a vampire or die. She chooses vampire believing that all of her friends are dead.
Stick: Is one of Allie's friends who she squats with. He...well he's a wimp and Allison is always looking out for him, she is the sole reason he is still alive.
Zeke: Zeke is a human that she comes across after she becomes a vampire. But he and the group he's traveling with have no idea she's a vampire.
Kanin: Kanin is Allie's sire. He teaches her how to live and survive as a vampire.
Jeb: Jeb is the leader of the group that Zeke is a part of. Jeb is pretty much Zeke's adopted family. They're all traveling to find the city of Eden.
Caleb: While Caleb isn't really a main character, I feel like he's important to mention. The only reason Allison meets the group of travelers is because she finds little Caleb alone and crying one night and she helps him find the group again.
Jackel: Jackel is a vampire leader who is vicious. He's lost all of his humanity. He's blood thirsty and wants to find a cure for the virus.
I guess this means I'm on to the next book. I have no idea what it's gonna be.
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