Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fallen: Laury Falter

So, I finally got the book I was originally going to read.  And I have to say it wasn't too bad. I really like that there was only ONE love interest.  It gets old with there being two!  That aside, I have to say this book had me intrigued from the beginning.  Which is something I love!  I hate having to trudge along 200 pages and then it gets good.  But this  caught my attention.  I'm glad it's a trilogy, because I have two more books to look forward to.
It starts off with Maggie, moving to New Orleans.  She's used to moving a LOT.  But this time it's a little different, she won't be living with her aunt, she's renting a house and she's gonna have a roommate, at least she thinks it's just one until she wakes up one morning and there are three people downstairs. She has an unusual gift, she can communicate with the dead.  And being in New Orleans, she makes quite a bit of money down out the Square.  She ends up encountering a few people who make the hair on the back of her neck stand up just being in their presence.  On the first day she has this feeling she's almost run over and is saved by some obnoxiously arrogant man, who is gone in a blink of an eye.  Eventually, she starts at this new private prestigious school, which she's not exactly thrilled about.  And she has these sames strange encounters with a few people.  With a few more near death experiences, she's saved by that same guy who saved her the first time. Bum bum bum!!!  Who is this dude?

Characters to know:
Maggie: She has a gift to speak for the dead and recently an ungodly number of near death experiences.
Eran: The mystery man who saves her every time.  Maggie feels some sort of connection with him.
Achan:  The guy who tries to kill her first, and her new classmate. 
Gershom:  She gets that hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck feeling when he's around, but befriends him anyways.
Ezra, Felix and Rufus:  Her roomates!  They seem like a perfectly dysfunctional family, but in a good way.

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