Saturday, May 19, 2012

Legend: Marie Lu

I had gotten this a while back but never read it and after I finished my last book I saw that there and started reading it.  I wasn't sure what to expect, I thought it was gonna be way different.  By the title I just assumed it would be more swords and what not, but it really wasn't.  This book, like a lot of books I read is post apocalyptic.  I had to break up the reading WAY more than I would have liked because I just started a new job and I'm working quite a bit...and my mom is forcing me to be her little social butterfly so I'm not able to read as much. 

In this society the US is split into two known sections.  The Republic, which is all of California and the Colonies, which is the rest of the US. The story takes place in Los Angelos.  LA is split into different sectors.  The book switches prospective, from Day to June.  Day is a criminal, he's wanted to the Republic.  No one but his brother, John, knows that he's actually alive.  One night when Day is watching his house from another building his house is marked with a red X with an extra mark through it symbolizing that the plague is there.   June is a prodigy, she received a perfect on her Trials, which is a test that all 10 year olds test.  She is the only person who's received a perfect.  Day failed his Trials and his finger prints aren't in the system and the Republic doesn't really even know who they're looking for, only the fact that he goes by Day.  June, is still in school, and she's a bit of a trouble maker, but she gets away with it because she's a prodigy.  Her brother, Metias, is up in the ranks of their military.  He works in the city patrolling most of the time. And one time he's guarding the hospital when Day has planned to steal a cure for the plague.  And things get a little out of hand, he ends up throwing a knife and hitting Metias.  June finds out that Metias died that night and she is sent on an undercover mission to find out Day's true identity.

I liked the book, but the romance was a little too desperate for me.  I did enjoy action, and at times it kept me guessing. But it was a nice little quick read.

Characters to know:
Day: Wanted by the Republic for a LONG list of crimes. His most recent crime: Killing an officer.
June: A prodigy.  Her brother was killed and she wants to find the guy who did it...Day.
Tess:  Day's little friend.  She was an orphan that Day sort of took under his wing.
Metias:  June's older brother who dies trying to capture Day.
Thomas:  Metias' and June's friend.  He was Metias's close friend and he sort of has a thing for June.
Commander Jameson:  Ruthless commander.
Eden:  Day's little brother who contracted a strange mutation of the plague.
John: Day's older brother.  He's the only one that knows that Day is still alive.

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